Here’s the link.
Before I get too precious or laudatory, I’ll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.
gives this decade a 6.7
Here’s the link.
Before I get too precious or laudatory, I’ll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.
“What did you buy, dear?”
He proffers the distractor, the ploy, the seven-dollar, family- friendly copy of Hammer’s 2 Legit 2 Quit.
“A rap tape.”
It's just that gangster glare, with gangster raps
that gangster shit, that makes the gang of snaps
In short order, winding and grinding replaced wining and dining as the romantic activity du jour (though wining and dining consisted of Doritos and a sucked-back slurpee by the basketball court). John Singleton replaced George Lucas as everyone’s favourite director. School dances were shut down when Dre informed Eazy-E, Luke, and Tim Dog that they could “eat a big fat dick” over the loud speaker. Squirt guns were cocked at rakish angles.
Album appreciation was a different beast. No google-shortened attention spans here. With the hyper-focus of a sonar operator, I listened to “Let Me Ride” dozens of times in succession, rapping along to the lyrics and feeling a little tug inside when Dre told off Aerosmith (and by association Run DMC). To this day, I’m awed by the power of Chomsky’s language acquisition device every time my brain proves capable of recalling the cadence and flow of a random Daz Dillinger verse.
Filled with thick, grungy bass lines culled from Parliament's funkadelic discography, catchy flute solos, sparse tinkling piano, deceptively simple keyboard loops, and smoky Donny Hathaway chestnuts, the Chronic's production was sugar sweet enough to help Tipper Gore's children`s medicine go down. Combined with Snoop's laid-back slang and Dre’s penchant for pithy aphorism, it was an irresistibly seductive formula. Not to mention that, for a 5"0 elementary school kid used to being fucked with on a regular basis, violent, cocksure revenge raps have an undeniable appeal.
It was a simpler time. Beats, blunts, and bitches had almost as universal an appeal as sex, drugs, and rock and roll. No hipster bullshit about listening to the album ironically or appreciating the ongoing creation of the gangsta mythos. Despite the painful, pinpoint accuracy of this analysis, I’d be lying through grill-less teeth if I tried to pretend for a moment that there was anything self-aware about a pre-adolescent (half-)whiteboy asserting that the Man with the Master Plan was indeed “a nigga with a mutha’fuckin’ gun.”
After the jump, peep the Snoop flat top fade...
We Smoke Thunda, It Put Me Under
Im Talkin About Straight Purple Kush That Thundas
See I Be Fuckin With Them Trees Cuz Im Straight Out Tha Jungle
Keep About Five Pounds And We Aint Even Tryin To Hustle
Yall Already Know How That Go
I Got That White Ivory Ice Tee
Docters, Requestin Dope Weed
Blazin Up So Much Bomb
I Got A Bad Bitch On My Side
Woodchopper's Hornpipe
The True And Trembling Brakeman
That Crazy War (of 1812)
Globe Trotting Nelly Bly
Adam In The Garden Pinnin' Leaves
Roll The Cotton Down
Granny Does Your Dog Bite
Hop Up, My Ladies
Cluck Old Hen
Boys All My Money's Gone
Gonna Keep My Skillet Greasy
and an ode toA his lovely wife Cindy:
Liberty Off The Corn Liquor Still
Actually, John McCain doesn't have an iPod. But his trust-fundie "Blogette" daughter sure does! And she likes Ryan Adams! And Incubus! And Joss Stone's horrible White Stripes cover "Fell in love with a boy"! If John McCain can't stop his own daughter from listening to Ryan Adams, how can we expect him to be able to stand up to Ahmadinejad? (Hmm, can't seem to find any iPod playlists on his blog. On the other hand, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has his OWN BLOG! Maybe Buzz Bissinger was right about blogging after all...)
But the purpose of this post isn't merely to implore good Americans to never, ever, EVER elect a hipster First Daughter. Because as fun as it is to point and laugh, your three correspondents have their own musical skeletons in their, um, iPod closets. This week's question/experiment, courtesy of the DCeiver, is:
1. Take out your iPod (or Zune, I guess...really, who buys a Zune?)
2. Press shuffle songs.
3. Answer the following: a) How many songs before you come to one that would absolutely disqualify you from being President? b) What is that song?
Lots of foreign policy experience, could step in on day one, impeccable energy credentials, knows how to be VP, and is currently working on the finishing touches of an eternal peaceful, wealthy, and environmentally sustainable utopia on the alternate Earth in which aging Palm Beach Jews did not vote for Pat Buchanan. That's who Obama should ask first, but I have a gut feeling Al Gore would say no. Like any sane person, Gore was not happy campaigning for President. He seems far more comfortable in his own skin these days (I've never seen An Inconvenient Truth, so I'm basing this on Gore's guest appearance on 30 Rock.)
Assuming Al Gore's unavailable, Barack Obama should marry:
Who? Why, that's Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer. He's the first Democrat to win the Montana Statehouse since 1988 and remains one of the most popular Governors in the USA. He won in 2004, when Democrats were losing elections all across the country. John Kerry, in particular, was losing Montana by 20 points at the time (When Salon asked Schweitzer if the average apolitical Montanan knew that Kerry opposed gay marriage, he replied "Oh, they'd probably think that he married some guy.") He always wears a bolo tie, has the most famous political pet dog since Checkers, and gave his wife a Smith and Wesson for their 25th anniversary. He would be a nice complement to Obama - despite only four years of experience as Governor, he has an impressive list of accomplishments, and he ran with a Republican lieutenant governor, which would bolster Obama's image as caring more about results than party affiliation. He doesn't have much real foreign policy experience, but besides being right about the war on Iraq (unlike any number of old foreign policy hands), he spent seven years irrigating the desert in Saudi Arabia and thus speaks fluent Arabic. Lord knows the Republicans can find a way to make speaking Arabic a political liability, but it would be a real asset in an Obama administration.
Would he help Obama win? Montana only has three electoral votes, and it's been a consistently red state in the past. However, Obama is doing very well in polls there, and Schweitzer is extrememly popular there - much more popular than say, John Edwards is in North Carolina. And you never know, Montana's three votes could be the ones that make the difference. But beyond that, he's a great talker who would be a cheerful and articulate mouthpiece for the Democratic message. His endless quotability (combined with his unlikely 2004 win) have launced a thousand liberal magazine puff pieces. His relaxed and comfortable speechmaking style would be a nice contrast to Obama's equally effective soaring rhetoric. He can quickly and cogently make the case that only energy independence can extricate America from eternal entanglements in the Middle East (though he does tie this in with a debatable call for dependence on clean coal). He would definitely defuse the NRA's attack on Barack Obama; his gun control policy is "you control your guns and I'll control mine." Despite (or perhaps because of) his love for guns Markos Mouslitas refers to Obama-Schweitzer as his "dream ticket".
Even if Obama picks Schweitzer and loses Montana, Schweitzer is popular all over the Mountain West region, which is going to be crucial in November. And if I could choose how Obama expands the electoral map, I'd rather he win in the libertarian West than in the authoritarian South or the Midwest. If Obama owed his victory to the West and to a vehement critic of the Patriot Act and national ID cards like Schweitzer, it would effectively prevent the backsliding on civil liberties issue that we've already begun to see from Obama. Bill Clinton won because of the South and governed like a moderate Southern Governor. Barack Obama has the chance to do much much more.
A final quote from Schweitzer on how Democrats can win nationally:
"You know who the most successful Democrats have been through history?" he asks. "Democrats who've led with their hearts, not their heads. Harry Truman, he led with his heart. Jack Kennedy led with his heart. Bill Clinton, well, he led with his heart, but it dropped about 2 feet lower in his anatomy later on.
"We are the folks who represent the families. Talk like you care. Act like you care. When you're talking about issues that touch families, it's OK to make it look like you care. It's OK to have policies that demonstrate that you'll make their lives better -- and talk about it in a way that they understand. Too many Democrats -- the policy's just fine, but they can't talk about it in a way that anybody else understands."
“But you can't be any geek off the street, gotta be handy with the steel if you know what I mean, earn your keep!”
It’s been a bad month for veep vetters.
Earlier in June, the man in charge of vetting Barack Obama’s Vice Presidential choices, Washington insider’s insider Jim Johnson, got the ol’ heave-ho. Roundly criticized for receiving two million dollars in questionable loans from Countrywide Financial, a mortgage company that’s been accused (by Obama, among others) of being at the center of the sub-prime mortgage crisis.
Stating that he would never, ever, ever dream of “distracting attention from [the] historic effort," Jimmy boy stepped aside leaving a chasm as large as Unity, New Hampshire in his wake.
That’s where your clean-pocketed Today’s Snow Job team steps to the fore. We’ve come forward to offer our sterling picks for Obama’s Numero Dos for your appraisal. In return, we expect nothing more than medium to large-sized low interest loans. So, if you have me in mind, Countrywide, Ameritrust, keep in mind that prices for Strathcona townhouses are only going up…
I suppose it’s worth pointing out that, in the long run, Johnson’s firing may ultimately be a plus for the Obama campaign. After all, he was the point man when Mondale foolishly picked Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate, prompting Wu-Tang rapper Gza to furnish us with the line: “Geraldine Ferraro, who’s full of sorrow, cuz the ho didn’t win, but the sun will still come out tomorrow.”
So, with sunny days in mind, let’s get down to it.
First off, the art and science of the thing. There’s no unified theory of veep vetting. Other than the resounding lack of scandals like the one ended Jim Johnson, there are a number of proposed qualities a fine vice presidential nominee may, or may not, have. In no particular order:
The problem with the last quality is that it necessarily entails a failure to reassure the people that in the event of your untimely demise a suitable second will be able to step in. In Quayle’s case, it led to an opposition ad campaign entitled: “Quayle, only a heartbeat away.” And yet, this is the catch-22 of the VP position: You have to be worthy enough to bring votes and reassurance, and yet also be enough of a lame-duck long shot that you don’t outshine the head of the ticket. Journalist Lance Morrow put in succinctly when he said, “The presidential nominee always says the person he has selected to be his running mate is the American ‘best qualified to take over in the White House in the event of my death.’ That is a ceremonial lie.”
The truth of the matter is that the selection of a vice-presidential nominee is a political, rather than quantitative, question; an attempt to guess which significant other will augment your own turn in the spotlight to the extent that you can walk home with November’s beauty prize in hand.
With that in mind and no further ado:
Fuck: Joe Biden
At first blush, Joe “Biddy Bone” Biden is all that you’d want in a veep and more. He ‘s got the wealth of legislative and foreign policy experience that Obama lacks. He’s both clean and articulate. He’s fair and from Delaware. And, most importantly, he is indisputably thugged out.
Unfortunately, Joe is a little too thugged out. His penchant for shooting verbal nine millies from the hip has led him down dark alleyways far too often for comfort. Most notably, when he said of Obama:
I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy… I mean, that’s a storybook, man.
As one blogger so aptly put it:
Our point, if we have one, is this: Joe Biden's comments are crazy ill in the worst way possible. Joe Biden says dumb shit on the regular, but this is above and beyond in several regards. But Joe Biden is a major American political figure with crazy foreign-policy intellect who likes to say insane things on the regular.
So this press remains open.
Kill: Isn’t it obvious?
It shouldn’t take Obama more than a cocaine heartbeat to decide that Hillary shouldn’t be a bullet away from the presidency.
Marry: Straight Talk-Era John McCain
He’s got a post-partisan record and oodles of experience. He served in the military. He’s adored by the national media, yet still falls short of the Guitar Hero level props that Obama gets. He’s conservative, but not too conservative… What more can you ask for?
For high hilarity, this is a move would be on par with Hillary offering Barack the nomination while he was trouncing her in the primaries. They’ll never expect it…
I’m being facetious, of course. I absolutely respect the man. He’s earned it. I think he’s a generally stand-up human being. Unfortunately, he also came out of the Vietnamese prison camps with his own particular and, I think, incorrect vision of how American foreign power should be used.
And he’s old. Boo.
As for who Obama should actually choose as his vice president…
I don’t have the foggiest.
In the end, elections can be lost, but not won on these decisions. That’s probably why America has such an uninspiring roster of VPs to begin with. I have to side with "Cactus Jack" Garner of Texas, F.D.R.'s Vice President, who infamously said that the vice presidency was,
"Not worth a pitcher of warm piss."