You probably don't think John McCain has an iPod. After all, he is unable to answer the question "Mac or PC?" (Seriously, there's a 50% chance this guy will be the most powerful person in the world in a few month. This planet is the best.) But here is his personal listening device, in all its glory:

Woodchopper's Hornpipe
The True And Trembling Brakeman
That Crazy War (of 1812)
Globe Trotting Nelly Bly
Adam In The Garden Pinnin' Leaves
Roll The Cotton Down
Granny Does Your Dog Bite
Hop Up, My Ladies
Cluck Old Hen
Boys All My Money's Gone
Gonna Keep My Skillet Greasy
and an ode toA his lovely wife Cindy:
Liberty Off The Corn Liquor Still
Actually, John McCain doesn't have an iPod. But his trust-fundie "Blogette" daughter sure does! And she likes Ryan Adams! And Incubus! And Joss Stone's horrible White Stripes cover "Fell in love with a boy"! If John McCain can't stop his own daughter from listening to Ryan Adams, how can we expect him to be able to stand up to Ahmadinejad? (Hmm, can't seem to find any iPod playlists on his blog. On the other hand, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has his OWN BLOG! Maybe Buzz Bissinger was right about blogging after all...)
But the purpose of this post isn't merely to implore good Americans to never, ever, EVER elect a hipster First Daughter. Because as fun as it is to point and laugh, your three correspondents have their own musical skeletons in their, um, iPod closets. This week's question/experiment, courtesy of the DCeiver, is:
1. Take out your iPod (or Zune, I guess...really, who buys a Zune?)
2. Press shuffle songs.
3. Answer the following: a) How many songs before you come to one that would absolutely disqualify you from being President? b) What is that song?
I think the best thing about that post was the link to little girl McCains blog. It's odd there is no comment section though...though in one post she does post a lot of comments she has received. Many of them were from Hilary Dems who now support McCain thanks to her blog!
You know what is even better that little girl McCain does not allow comments to be published publicly? That Mahmoud Ahmadinejad does allow for public comments!! Who believes in free speech now bitch?!
Answer the following: a) How many songs before you come to one that would absolutely disqualify you from being President? 5
b) What is that song?
'Jihad (fuck mix)' by Sibot and Markus Wormstorm - African Dope Records
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