Five fun facts about Spiro Agnew
- During his term as Richard Nixon's hatchet man, Spiro was fond of using alliterative labels, such "pusillanimous pussyfooters." His style inspired stylistic mimicry in speeches written by a young(er) Pat Buchanan, among others.
- Dave Barry, former humorist to the Miami Herald, has pointed out that the letters in Spiro's full name can be rearranged to spell "grow a penis"
- Agnew was an honoree of the Order of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association and its junior subsidiaries, The Sons of Pericles and The Daughters of Penelope
- Asked why he kept Agnew on as veep after the renewal of his presidency in 1972, Nixon replied that “no assassin in his right mind would kill me."
- As, allegedly, a way of "sidetracking" his vice president during the beginning of his second term, Nixon considered putting Agnew in charge of the American Revolution Bicentennial. Agnew declined the post, arguing that the Bicentennial was "a loser."

Well, that was a no-brainer. Though I must admit to a personal weakness for Greco-Americans from Baltimore.
Enough nattering nabobs of negativism. Snowjobbers, this week's question is: who would you fuck/marry/kill in the 2008 democratic veepstakes?
Happy long weekend.
Spiro also once saw a sleeping Baltimore Sun reporter by the name of Gene Oishi on a campaign plane in 1968, and asked the media "what's the matter with the fat Jap?" Vondas' first name's gotta be a tribute, right?
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