Tuesday, June 24, 2008


It takes three to make it outta sight!

First with a high wail: "It takes two to make a thing go right..."

Then the bass lick with a soprano shout: "... It takes two to make it outta sight."

Number 1 with a bullet. The song is this summer's hands-down winner for Sound of the Ghetto, with that deep-bottom bass line and those high-pitched screams on the quarter beat. Thick drum tack, def rhythm and some sweet-voiced yoette wailing out the same two-line lyric. East side, west side, and all around town, the corner boys of Baltimore are fighting and dying to the same soundtrack.

- Homicide, by David Simon

Corner boys mount up!!!

Nearly half the summer has gone by and it's as yet unclear what this year's "It Takes Two" is. In the absence of a Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock summer banger, in a barefaced attempt to deem themselves the arbiters of populist taste, a handful of internet organizations (Yahoo Answers, Popwatch, Redeye, etc.) have taken it upon themselves to name the song of the summer. What they (and everyone else) fail to realize is that they are not the arbiters of taste... We are.

Lest a Leona Lewis vs. Carrie Underwood poll take things out of our hands, I believe it's the Today's Snow Job team's responsibility, nay duty, to weigh in with their personal selections.

To this end, the music question of the week is: What's your personal song of the summer for 2008?

Only 2008 releases need apply.

Comments are welcome.


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