(He may or may not be the boy in that picture...)
We have a guest Youtube Curation post today, and it is a goodie. Brought to you by a good friend of the blog, if you find yourself with any of that tiresome time on your hands, I encourage you to check out the following selections. You won't be disappointed. Each one is a little cultural gem worthy of it's own space launch. Voyager be damned.
I have been following your youtube video curation with interest. While it is an amazing cultural phenomenon, I'm not sure it's ready to go the way of the museum yet. In 50 years, are these pixelated, ADDisordered videos really going to stand as a historically relevant encapsulation of human civilization in the 21st century? Is this shit gonna go out on the next voyager spacecraft? Are we going to be committing the planetary equivalent of posting drunken, tutu-wearing, lightsaber-wielding facebook pictures by beaming this stuff out wirelessly, accessible to any passing meteorite...? But I digress. I would like to propose two series of youtube videos:
one, in the category of 'too much time on your hands...'
The Mother of All Funk Chords
Extreme Sheep LED Art
Lego Stop Motion Grease
Watching these videos, the overwhelming question that comes to mind is, 'Why? Why, in the name of all that is good and lowly...'
The second series has to do with the thing I most like to see on youtube which is: people dancing. Here are some choice selections:
Jika Majika
James Brown Gives you Dancing Lessons
Polysics - I My Me Mine (Strong Machine 2 Version)
Original UpRock!
I doubly encourage you to check out Parker's photography at I Spy With My Third Eye.
Last featured on the blog in this post.
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