Monday, December 7, 2009



It's important to remember that things that are hibernating aren't dead. They're just lazy. As with alpine mammals, so with us. It might snow on Friday, and you never know, there may be another snowjob around the corner.

We're thinking of making some lists of things we have put in our eyes and ears during the last decade. We would like you to hotly anticipate our choices, if you're not too busy.

Well anyway, I'm excited. A few predictions:

-Sym will list more R Kelly songs than some other lists. If his list features any skinny white indie rockers, it will likely be John Darnielle. Nonetheless he (hopefully) will favour us with some choice paraphrasing of Radiohead lyrics.

-I will get flustered over holes in my music library and pick a lot of skinny white indie rockers, likely b-sides, citing vaguely amusing personal anecdotes as sufficient cause for nomination.

-Christopher will cave, take two hours off studying, and come up with better choices and wittier write-ups than either of us.

Giddy up.


sym said...

you are great at the apology posts

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